Clearly, Scott took more liberties with this film when he chose to portray God as a hot-headed child. The real miracle of the film is that this character didn't end up killing every single character. Sure, the God portrayed in the Old Testament is a bit harsh, but I never envisioned him as an immature child. What the heck was Scott trying to say? Also, if I were Moses and I had to deal with this kid, there is no way I would follow his lead considering he seems just as evil as Ramses.
The one thing this film does accomplish is a massive scale. Most of the scenes are filled with crowds of "Egyptians" or crowds of "Hebrews." It was truly amazing to see such a huge cast spread out throughout the film. The visual effects also add to the massive scale with large open terrains and Egyptian grandeur. However, the visual effects often come off as over-done. I must say that I never would have expected giant sea creatures attacking people during the time of Moses. But then again, who knows?
The Bottom Line: Ridley Scott creates a massive disappointment full of prime actors and not-so-prime visual effects.
Score: 5/10