Boy do I have a review for you guys. Saw this movie a little over a week ago and took the time to really think about it. Well, the time did not help and I still have no idea what I watched. It definitely hurt my brain more than any other Charlie Kaufman movie and that is saying a lot. Most reviewers at this point would speculate on how the movie had to do with not fitting into society or being an anomaly or some other crap like that. I'm not even gonna try that because I don't want to pretend that I knew what the hell was going on the whole time. One thing I will say was that the film was super slow and seemingly bogged down by its story-telling. I would also add that this is not exactly a family-friendly film so don't take your kids with you to see this one!
The Bottom Line: I kind of liked it, then again I kind of didn't. I think?
Score: 6/10