1. There is a Peter Gabriel cover of Heroes featured in an episode
2. Winona Ryder cries in every single episode
3. Eleven's powers
4. Eleven's relationship with Mike
5. The bike chases
6. All of the 1980's references portrayed in so many of the scenes
7. Dungeons and Dragons lore
8. The fan theory that claims Steve is the father of Jean-Ralphio from Parks & Recreation
9. Jim Hopper's fedora that makes him look like Indiana Jones
10. Dustin's baby-teeth accent
But for real, everyone should check this show out because it is amazing and no other show nearly as good is currently airing on television.
Image credit: By Lowtrucks - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=50284157