The cast is well-picked with three believable teens who are struggling with where they stand in life. Jackson Martin (Before We Fall), Nick Serino , and Reece Moffett play off of each other realistically and entertainingly. Martin plays a sheltered teen who is finally realizing the world around him. Serino and Moffett both play stereotypically rebellious teens who only desire to cause a ruckus. All three of the characters are grandly developed as the story rolls along, leaving their past selves behind and forming new characters. There is a connection between all three of the characters that is natural and filled with emotion.
The Bottom Line: This film is a nice addition to the already well-established coming-of-age genre. It may not be wholly original, but it's fun nonetheless.
Score: 8/10
Image credit: By USFWSmidwest - Boat on Lake Superior, CC BY 2.0,