Meat Loaf hit it big when he and Jim Steinman teamed up to create Bat Out of Hell. Following the success of their first album, the team regrouped to come up with Bat Out of Hell II: Back Into Hell. Both of the albums gained a following, making Meat Loaf a hot commodity in the music market. Meat Loaf's appearance in The Rocky Horror Picture Show also gained some notoriety for the character as an actor. According to Aday, Meat Loaf is a character and his music is not based on any life experiences from his past. Not many artists are capable of creating such odd characters to introduce new music to an audience. This Friday, Meat Loaf is teaming up with Jim Steinman once again to release a new album. I like this idea, but I am also a bit worried because Aday's voice has drastically changed since his early Meat Loaf days. Hopefully, Steinman's writing will help to create a fantastic album even if Meat Loaf's voice is shot. We will just have to wait until tomorrow when Braver Than We Are is finally released in the US!
Image credit: By Mr.Mushnik at English Wikipedia, CC BY 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1537525