One problem that I had with the film was Neel Sethi's acting. Usually I love to see a new actor on screen performing a fresh take on an old story, but Sethi's acting felt forced. Every time he talked, the cheesiness of the Disney franchise really came out. Of course, I understand that he is a young actor in a big role but I'm sure there could've been a better role for him and a better actor for Mowgli.
Although the main character came off as super cheesy at times, I loved almost every other aspect of the film. I saw the 2D version of the film and the CGI was spectacular. This was clearly no small feat for the special effects staff and I am sure the 3D version of the film is even more spectacular. I am a bit disappointed that there is a rumored Jungle Book 2 because this film is a clear standalone and it really does not need a sequel. I'm sure the effects will be about the same and the acting will also be about the same. The story will probably fall away from the original product though, but I guess we will just have to wait and see!
The Bottom Line: This film is a visual spectacle that is well acted by everyone except for the main character.
Score: 7.7/10