According to the film, this is a true story that occurred. Honestly, the story is really weird and messed up but the movie lacks any sort of uniqueness. The film relies heavily on jump-scares and again I will reiterate that this convention is the main reason I hate modern horror films. I mean come on, there are so many better ways to create a horror film that don't rely on the audience always having to be ready for a loud noise and a flash of action. Yet even when Carnage Park moves away from using jump scares, which it very briefly does, the horror aspects are less scary as they are just weird and annoying.
My final criticism for the film is the tone. Clearly this is a midnight film which relies on a cult tone, but scenes that could have been comedic fall flat in the film. Oddly, the first half of Carnage Park goes for a Tarantino-esque style of story-telling. The problem is that Tarantino films have their style for a reason whereas Carnage Park has no reason for telling the story the way that it does. If you want a comedy horror film, actually add some humor to the mix and actually make the film enjoyable.
The Bottom Line: This one is pretty much a repetitive bore which can only pride itself in casting Pat Healy using him as an extremely boring character.
Score: 4/10