First of all, we've got SIFF going on which means a lot of new reviews are up. Be sure to check them out below. I'm pretty proud of the five-day blog streak I've got going right now so keep on checking each day as their should be new posts every day for a while.
Secondly, I have added a donations link via donorbox. I don't really like to ask people for money, but I'm hoping to upgrade this site more and more as time goes on. Of course, some things cost money in life and that's why there is a a donations page. Also, you can get a shoutout if you donate $5 or more. Maybe I will add some more perks eventually so let me know if you have any ideas. Here's the link for donations:
Lastly, be sure to rsvp for my final radio show on Its going to be a grand time with 3 awesome movie and music related giveaways. You can tune in on Monday from 12PM-2PM and rsvp on Facebook through this link:
For those of you who are new to the blog, welcome and stay tuned for more reviews and updates!