Cataldo's new album, Keepers, starts off with a very deep track. "Room Without a Flame" is full of odd-but-thoughtful ideas and layered backing tracks. A lot of artists would likely put a track like this towards the end of the album, but Cataldo chooses to get the brain juices flowing right off the bat. With the help of other musical artists (including Ben Gibbard from Death Cab for Cutie), the album bounces from instrumental loops to psychological lyrics in mere seconds. It is easy to get lost in a track as complex as "Photograph". This lead single for the album is layered with jazzy brass and syncopated piano expressions.
After "Photograph", the album lightens up a bit with "Little Heartbeat". Female backing vocals are reminiscent of Cyndi Lauper tracks from the eighties. They play perfectly with Eric Anderson's lead vocals, giving him an opportunity to have a back-and-forth with another singer. After "Little Heartbeat", we get more vocal tracks leading up to a multi-layered vocal track titled "Your Love Has Got Me Running Home (To You)". This track has a lot going on with its rhythm. Every time I listen to it, I can hear a new track in the background. If you just close your eyes and take it all in, you might be able to capture the full soundscape.
The rest of the tracks on the album seem to have similar traits to the previous tracks. Cataldo finishes the 34 minute album with a grand atmosphere of drum beats, vocal tracks, and long synthesized notes. "America, Goodnight!" leaves the listener with a great hope for the success of the band. This track literally says "goodnight", but I am sure that there will be more to hear from the band that is skyrocketing towards popularity. Quite honestly, I believe Cataldo will be the new Death Cab after this album. Anderson is reminiscent of Gibbard and the depth of his vocals create a nostalgia for Narrow Stairs. I encourage you to head to the nearest ice cream parlor and jam out to Keepers!
Score: 9/10
Favorite Tracks: "Room Without a Flame", "Photograph", "Your Love Has Got Me Running Home (To You)", "America, Goodnight!"
Least Favorite Tracks: Honestly, I'm alright with all of them. No dislikes here!