The subject matter of the film is a fully narcissistic view of Trump, who has taken the 2016 presidential election by storm. Continually, Trump is portrayed as a naive and somehow successful businessman. Funny or Die often brings us sketches that make us laugh nonstop, but this one causes insecurity because of how it truly relates to all of our current lives. The film shows us some history on Donald Trump's rise to fame through a retelling of his most famous book, The Art of The Deal. Idiocracy ensues as we struggle with how much of the story could possibly be true and how much was created for viewer enjoyment.
Depp plays a creepy and mildly suiting Donald Trump. Personally, his Trump transformation is not the most authentic, but it is still fun to watch. Depp always brings gravitas to his performances and it is clear that he is trying very hard to stick with his methods as Trump. He often resorts to immaturity just as Trump has throughout the election over and over. The grainy video reminds us that Trump has always used the same sort of negotiation throughout his career as a real estate mogul and now a presidential candidate. Ron Howard's (A Beautiful Mind) introduction and conclusion for the film is my favorite part of the whole thing. Howard is one of those directors who continues to bring audiences new ideas on screen, making him a perfect fit for this role.
The Bottom Line: This Funny or Die film humors me but also scares me a tad bit.
Score: 4/10
Image credit: By OrderofCivilMerit - Own work, CC BY 2.0 kr,
An afterthought: Sorry if I offended anyone with this review, but Trump's campaign continues to discomfort me. Here's a clip that speaks for itself: