The film unravels from there in a grand fashion, turning from a comedy into some sort of weird crime documentary. Farrier leads us on this in-depth journey into the male-endurance-tickling world and at times makes us laugh and scares the hell out of us at other times. After the film I was exhausted not only by all of the tickling I was forced to watch, but by all of the revelations occurring in front of my eyes. The viewer is place on the brink of an investigation in one of the best investigative journalist stories I have ever seen on a screen. I cannot really go any further into this review without revealing key points of the story so I am going to leave you all with what is written so far. Hopefully, you will all get to have a glimpse of the male endurance tickling world through the story of Tickled.
The Bottom Line: This film plays with tone so much that while at one point you may be laughing, you will suddenly shrivel up and fear what might be revealed next.
Score: 9.4/10