The acting is a great place to start off my review. Let's just say that I have never been fond of Channing Tatum in any film. In Foxcatcher, I am finally forced to accept that Tatum has a talent for acting. In fact, I would not have minded at all if Tatum took home an Oscar for his part in the film. As always, Mark Ruffalo is superb in his role which breaks out about halfway through the film. But maybe an even more shocker to me in the film was Steve Carrel. Where did this personality come from? How was Carrel even cast in such a role? Well, I don't even care because he was amazing and probably the greatest casting choice for the role. Who knew that such a comedian could have such great power over a film's plot? I thought he was fantastic in The Big Short but that was nothing compared to this.
Foxcatcher deserves even more praise because of its artistic aspects. The movie is dragged out, keeping the audience sunken in their seats. Somehow I felt like I was falling further and further into the story though. Trapped in the delusional minds of each of the three main characters I was falling into a hole of tragedy that was simply inescapable. This might sound crazy, but it is exactly how I felt as the movie fell deeper and deeper into the plot. The string instrumental score helped keep me down with its sustained tones of buildup. The film was simply one of the greatest tragedies I have seen in quite a while and possibly ever.
The Bottom Line: Its an art film, a tragic film, and certainly a unique film that is worth every second of your attention.
Score: 9.7/10