1. Finding Nemo: Rehash your memory with this amazing Pixar film about a dad losing his son and his journey trying to find him again.
2. Beginners: An older audience would probably enjoy this one, but young adults will definitely enjoy it too!
3. The Descendants: I love the Hawaiian music that accompanies this film and George Clooney is at his finest.
4. Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade: Sean Connery and Harrison Ford on the big screen together. Tell me what's not to like about that.
5. Interstellar: If you're looking for a real mind bender, Christopher Nolan provides you with this one at a time where Matthew McConaughey seems to have peaked his performing career.
6. The Lion King: Only the most praised Disney film of all time.
7. Taken: Liam Neeson brings heart and vengeance to this flick.
8. Star Wars Episode V: SPOILER ALERT - "No. I am your father."
9. Silver Linings Playbook: David O'Russell creates a theatrical masterpiece that has performances reminiscent of a broadway play. Jennifer Lawrence, Robert De Niro, and Bradley Cooper all bring their best for this one.
And finally here is a classic pick and my second favorite movie of all time -
10. The Godfather: Have a fun time with the Corleone's as they talk business and give away animal parts to stubborn friends.
Image Credit: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/MVlfgMrgAZI/maxresdefault.jpg