I'm not really sure what to talk about with this film. I guess I could discuss the costuming a bit because it is hilarious, weird, and somewhat innate. Ranging from pig men, to sea monsters, to brides, to schoolgirls, the costume designer must have had a diverse palate to work with. In fact, the colors and settings of the film shift so quickly that praise must be give to Sion Sono for his transitions and direction. Changing scenes so promptly and yet smoothly was a big achievement to create a surreal tone.
I did not fully understand Sono's message with this one, but certainly there is something to say about feminism and female casting. I think about 95% of the cast in this film was female. That is an unheard of ratio in modern cinema. Furthermore, the film goes into some weird existential crisis about whether women are being used in society. Again, I don't exactly understand what Sono is trying to say, but I think I like his call for equality, if that is even what he is calling for. You'll just have to check out the film and let me know what you guys think. By the way, you can totally do that because the full movie is on YouTube. Just type in "Tag full movie" and you should easily find it.
The Bottom Line: In a whimsical and odd manner, Sono creates a commentary on women in cinema and society through this midnight film.
Score: 6.5/10
Image Credit: http://twitchfilm.com/assets_c/2015/08/Tag%20Poster-thumb-300xauto-56635.jpg